No pun intended.
Like you guys said, I need to think about what it is that I want; at least that way I can try to focus my energy/send it out into the universe, and hope it comes a-knockin' on my door. Yeah?
Ok, to start with the surface. Physically, I don't have one specific type, other than exceptionally good-looking. Ha. What does that mean? At least a few of the following, in my opinion.
- dark hair
- slim hips
- straight white teeth
- prominent noses (previously broken? i'm into the bump)
- strong jaw lines
- freckles
- long eyelashes
- nice, strong hands
- slim/skinny/toned
- stylish: edgy, indie, hipster, casual, Abercrombie or surfer-type style, laid-back
And more importantly, character.
- a servant's heart
- a lust for knowledge and wisdom
- an intelligent, quick sense of humor
- the ability to see the good in people and in all situations, a positive attitude
- a deep understanding of themselves, an open mind to understand me
- the heart of a child
- charisma, a strong presence
- someone who validates me, for who I am on all levels
- dedication to personal growth: spiritually, mentally, and emotionally
- ambition, a passion for what they do
- the desire to be unabashedly smitten, selectively
- honesty, someone who keeps their word and follows through
- most importantly, the ability to love without conditions
And y'all thought I was shallow. I really do have a big heart, underneath it all. Promise. Just have to find my matching puzzle piece.
And the quest continues...
8 people had something to say:
So, the fact that you want someone with Abercrombie already indicates that you don't know what to look for in a person. Someone with Abercrombie is someone who wastes a lot of money. i.e. they're not financially responsible or their parents are footing all their bills (which is really the same thing).
look no further. if you can see the forest for the trees that is. you ask you get. you take?
Those things are way too abstract. Look at your best past relationships, and I would be willing to bet that those guys had very few of the traits you think you're looking for, whereas the guys you decided were awful actually had more of those traits.
The point which I was trying to show, and maybe you realized, is that to tell yourself that you are looking for particular traits is really a farce. In truth, we all just look and see what we get, and if it's good enough, we try to keep it.
I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with that, but good luck!
~A religious reader
most importantly, the ability to love without conditions
I find it very Ironic that this is the last item on your list of conditions.
Honestly, I think it's obvious from who GITM dates that nothing on this list is an absolute. It's called a wish-list for a reason. Obviously, people fall madly in love with those that are completely unrelated to their "type" or ideal mate. Just because she wants it doesn't mean she would say no if something else good comes along.
Heres an interesting blog that describes what many guys want. It is interesting in that I find many of us men looking for these qualities, as we get older the list changes and narrows. I do not agree with everyhting on the list and am offended by at least one item. I just thought you might like to pick the brains of what we as males think.
* dark hair
* slim hips
* straight white teeth
* prominent noses (previously broken? i'm into the bump)
* strong jaw lines
* freckles
* long eyelashes
* nice, strong hands
* slim/skinny/toned
* stylish: edgy, indie, hipster, casual, Abercrombie or surfer-type style, laid-back
Oh he does exist!!
He's gay though. Sorry :-(
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